First day cover

Dear visitors, at the moment, the English content of the site gives you the possibility to view the philatelic issues starting with 2016 to the present day, only. To view all other issues, please visit the Romanian version of the site. We apologize for the inconvenience.
02 February 2016
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PPZ0340 Donate blood - give life!
11 February 2016
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PPZ0341 Struve Geodedic Arc – 200 years
01 March 2016
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PPZ0342 Martsishor - symbol of the spring
31 March 2016
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PPZ0343 65 years from the third deportation stream of Bessarabian people
05 April 2016
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PPZ0344 Europa 2016. Think green.
12 April 2016
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PPZ0345 Overprint. April 12, 2016 - 55 years from the first flight of the human in space.
15 April 2016
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PPZ0346 Wild Flowers
24 April 2016
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PPZ0347 Christian holidays and national traditions. Palm Sunday.
27 May 2016
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PPZ0348 WWF. Protected flora. (Gladiolus imbricatus).
19 June 2016
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PPZ0349 Christian holidays and national traditions. The Holly Sunday.
