Lower Prut ”Biosphere Reserve”

Catalogue, No MP1199-1202
Original date of issue 30 September 2021
Type of issue postage stamp
Sheet 10 ((5x2)=MP1199, MP1202) stamps;10 ((2x5)=MP1200, MP1201) stamps
Size, mm MP1199 & MP1202 - 27,50x46,00mm, MP1200 & MP1201 - 46,00x27,50mm
Printing run, ex. MP1199 & MP1200 - each 45000ex.; MP1201 & MP1202 - each 30000ex.
Price, MDL MP1199=1,20L, MP1200=1,75L, MP1201 & MP1202=5,75L
Painter & designer Vladimir Melnic
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