Personalized postage stamps

Catalogue, No MP1260-1263
Original date of issue 27 January 2023
Type of issue postage stamp
Minisheet MP1260 = 12 stamps (3x4); MP1261 = 15 stamps (5x3); MP1262 = 12 stamps (3x4); MP1263 = 12stamps (4x3)
Size, mm MP1260 = 34,00x34,00 mm; MP1261 = 34,00x34,00 mm; MP1262 = 46,00x27,50 mm; MP1263 = 27,50x46,00 mm
Printing run, ex. MP1260 = 1250 sheets; MP1261 = 1251 sheets; MP1262= 1250 sheets; MP1263 = 1250 sheets
Nr. & color of special postmark ”First day” 481, black
Design Eugeniu Verebceanu